Stabitherm Thermostatic Mixing Valve 42⁰C


The Broen Stabitherm is a high performance Thermostatic mixing valve suitable for a wide range of applications. Broen Stabitherm also carries the following features:

– Approved to NSW Health

– Complies with AS4032 and AS4020

– Cold and hot water shut down if either supply is interrupted

– Designed for easy servicing

– Suitable for installation into AS3500 compliant systems for hot water 65⁰C to 90⁰C and cold water 10⁰C to 25⁰C.


The Broen Stabitherm Thermostatic Mixing Valve is complete with built in non-return valves and strainers.

The hot and cold water inlets are 3/4 inch female, and the outlet is 1/2 inch male. 

The valves temperature is tested and set at 42 Degrees Celsius.